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autocomplete search in laravel

Bootstrap autocomplete search in Laravel

In this tutorial, I will give you an example of “Bootstrap autocomplete search in Laravel”, So you can easily apply it with your laravel 5, laravel 6, laravel 7, laravel 8, and laravel 9 application.

First, what we’re doing here, This is the example :

create blade file

laravel auto search in dropdown in laravel using bootstrap select2

bootstrap autocomplete select2 in laravel

Autocomplete search using Select2 in Laravel

Select2 was designed to be a replacement for the standard <select> box that is displayed by the browser. By default it supports all options and operations that are available in a standard select box, but with added flexibility.

Generating Migration with Model :

php artisan make:model Brand -m

Migration Structures :


use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;

class CreateBrandsTable extends Migration
     * Run the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function up()
        Schema::create('brands', function (Blueprint $table) {

     * Reverse the migrations.
     * @return void
    public function down()

Run Migration :

php artisan migrate
brands table

app\Models\Brand.php :


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Brand extends Model
    use HasFactory;

Create a Seeder File to Insert Dummy Data

php artisan make:seeder BrandSeeder



namespace Database\Seeders;

use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;

class BrandSeeder extends Seeder
     * Run the database seeds.
     * @return void
    public function run()
        $brands = [

            ['id' => 1, 'brand_name' => 'Apple'],
            ['id' => 2, 'brand_name' => 'Samsung'],
            ['id' => 3, 'brand_name' => 'Google'],
            ['id' => 4, 'brand_name' => 'Huawei'],
            ['id' => 5, 'brand_name' => 'OnePlus'],
            ['id' => 6, 'brand_name' => 'Xiaomi'],
            ['id' => 7, 'brand_name' => 'LG'],
            ['id' => 8, 'brand_name' => 'Oppo'],
            ['id' => 9, 'brand_name' => 'Vivo'],
            ['id' => 10,'brand_name' => 'Nokia'],
            foreach ($brands as $item) {

Register Seeder File



namespace Database\Seeders;

use Illuminate\Database\Seeder;

class DatabaseSeeder extends Seeder
     * Seed the application's database.
     * @return void
    public function run()

Seed the Seeder

php artisan db:seed
create seeder file in laravel
insert dummy data using seeder

Create a Controller :

php artisan make:controller BrandController

routes\web.php :


use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
use App\Http\Controllers\BrandController;

| Web Routes
| Here is where you can register web routes for your application. These
| routes are loaded by the RouteServiceProvider within a group which
| contains the "web" middleware group. Now create something great!

#Bootstrap autosearch example
Route::get('/create-product', [BrandController::class,'create']);

app\Http\Controllers\BrandController.php :


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class BrandController extends Controller
    public function create(){
        $brands = Brand::orderBy('brand_name')->get();
        return view('autocomplete.create',compact('brands'));


create blade file
<!DOCTYPE html>
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
      <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />

      <script src=""></script>
      <script src=""></script>
      <script src=""></script>
      <div class="container">
         <div class="row justify-content-center">
            <div class="col-lg-6">
               <div class="main">
                  <h5 style="color: #BE206B;">Bootstrap autocomplete search Example in Laravel</h5>
                     <div class="form-group">
                        <label for="name">Name<span class="text-danger">*</span></label>
                        <input type="text" name="name" class="form-control" required>
                     <div class="form-group">
                        <label for="price">Price<span class="text-danger">*</span></label>
                        <input type="text" name="price" class="form-control" required>
                    <div class="form-group">
                        <label for="brand">Brand<span class="text-danger">*</span></label>
                        <select class="brand-search-autocomplete form-control" name="brand">
                           <option>Select Brand</option>
                           @foreach($brands as $brand)
                           <option value="{{$brand->id}}">{{ $brand->brand_name }}</option>
                     <div class="form-group">
                        <button type="submit" class="btn btn btn-primary">Save</button>

$(document).ready(function() {

Don’t Forget to Import Bootstrap select 2 Css and Js Files CDN


<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />

JS File CDN:

<script src=""></script>

Related article:- Laravel Ajax autocomplete search.

Run The Application :

Now, you can see the output given below images, we have successfully implemented the Bootstrap autocomplete search in the Laravel application.

autocomplete search in textbox in laravel

autocomplete text in select dropdown in laravel

Read also:- Delete parent and child records from the table in Laravel.