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Category Laravel

Laravel has become a desired technology among PHP developers. here you can find top Laravel tutorials and resources of many versions.

Laravel Excel Export with HasOne Relationship

Excel export with relationship data in Laravel

Do you want to export Excel with relationship data in the Laravel application? This step-by-step tutorial helps you learn how to export Excel with HasOne Relationship in Laravel application with the help of the maatwebsite Excel package. Need to Excel export…

How to use the fallback route in Laravel 9?

Fallback Routes in Laravel 9

Do you want to use the fallback route in Laravel 9 Laravel application? This step-by-step tutorial helps you learn how to use the fallback route in the Laravel application with the help of the fallback method. The fallback route in Laravel…

Indian State, City SQL Database in Laravel

Indian State, City SQL Database in Laravel

Do you want to use Indian State, City SQL Database in any application? State and City MySQL database download In this article, we will implement the database of the Indian State and City SQL Database. The download link contains the…

How to Create factory in Laravel 9?

factory example in laravel 9

Do you want to use factory in Laravel application? This step-by-step tutorial helps you learn how to create Factory and insert dummy records in the table in Laravel application with the help of Factory. To see an example of how…