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useful artisan commands

Artisan commands in laravel (List of most useful Artisan Commands)

Artisan is the name of the commands-line interface included with Laravel. It provides a number of helpful commands for your use while developing your application.

Every commands also includes a “help” screen which displays and describes the command’s available arguments and options. To view a help screen, precede the name of the command with help:

artisan commands in laravel

php artisan help migrate

Here are some most useful artisan commands you must know these commands :

1. php artisan cache:clear

=> this command clear all the cache of application

2. php artiasn route:clear

=> this artisan command clear all the route cache

3. php artisan view:clear

=> this artisan command clear all the cache of views

4. php artisan make:controller StudentController

=> this artisan command create a Controller

5. php artisan make:controller StudentController --resource

=> this artisan command create a Resourceful Controller

6. php artisan make:migration create_student_table

=> this artisan command create a Student table

7. php artisan migrate

=> this artisan command migrate your table

8. php artisan make:migration add_address_column_to_student_table --table=student

=> this artisan command create a new column in your existing table

9. php artisan make:model Student

=> this artisan command create a model

10. php artisan make:seeder StudentSeeder

=> this artisan command create a seeder

11. php artisan db:seed

=> this artisan command insert a new seeder into your table in database

read this article for complete tutorial of seeder

12. php artisan make:factory StudentFactory

=> this artisan command create a factory

read this article for complete tutorial of factory or tinker

13. php artisan migrate:fresh

=> the migrate:fresh command will drop all tables from the database and then execute the migrate command

14. php artisan make:mail SendStudentNotificationmail

=> this artisan command create a new mail into your email folder directory

15. php artisan make:request StudentValidationRequest

=> this artisan command create a new Http request into your requests folder directory

16. php artisan make:middleware StudentLoginmiddleware

=> this artisan command create a middleware for protecting your routes

17. php artisan make:job Studentjob

=> this artisan command create a new job into your jobs directory

18. php artisan make:notification SendStudentNotification

=> this artisan command create a new notification

19. php artisan make:auth

=> this artisan command create a auth functionality in your application a complete sign-up or sign-in functionality

20. php artisan route:list

=> this artisan command show you all routes which are using in your application

21. php artisan make:provider StudentServiceProvider

=> this artisan command create a service provider.

22. php artisan serve 

=> this artisan command is used to run your project into your browser.