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Gaurav Pandey

Gaurav Pandey

Hi, My name is Gaurav Pandey. I'm a Laravel developer, owner of 8Bityard. I live in Uttarakhand - India and I love to write tutorials and tips that can help other developers. I am a big fan of PHP, Javascript, JQuery, Laravel, WordPress.

Easy Form Validation With jQuery

form validation

In this tutorial we will learn a complete guide of A simple jQuery form validation, You can add these files to your projects or files via package managers like Bower or NPM. You can also just directly get a CDN link to…

How to quickly generate data using faker and tinker ?

How to quickly generate data using faker and tinker ?

All Laravel applications include Tinker, a REPL powered by the PsySH package. Tinker allows you to interact with your entire Laravel application on the command line, including the Eloquent ORM, jobs, events, and more. To enter the Tinker environment, run the tinker Artisan command,…

How to add datatables in html table ?

How to add datatables in html table ?

DataTables is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a highly flexible tool, built upon the foundations of progressive enhancement, that adds all of these advanced features to any HTML table like real-time searching and pagination without refreshing…