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Things to Do After Installing WordPress in 2020

In this tutorial, I will share with you the security part of WordPress after installing it, we need to follow some simple steps to the security of our WordPress site. Download WordPress

1.Setup WordPress Security:

in this step, we need to change user setting for security purpose

Go to : Users » Your Profile


We will Set our First name or last name and also nickname and please change your display name publicly as for security reason

2. Setup Setting Part :

Go to Setting » General

You can change Your Site Title, Tagline, Language, DateFormat, TimeFormat according to you.


Go to Setting » Reading

In reading part you can see by default : A static page (select below) , you need to change this page HomePage or PostPage

Now select Your Website Homepage, if you have no homepage please go to Pages/Add New – create a new Page Home


And then select your Blog Page where user can check your daily Blogs, if you have no Blog page please go to Pages/Add New – create a new Page Blog

Go to Setting/Permalinks 

This is the main part of Security of WordPress, you need to change default permalinks to Post name, this is the best secure Permalinks for every WordPress Site.

3. Setup Your Favorite Theme :

Go to Apperance » Themes


Select your Favourite themes and install or active it. and Please Remove/Delete all the unnecessary or Unused WordPress Themes which are already installed.

4. Setup Some Important Plugins :

Go to Plugins » Add New 

Just go to Plugins and click into Recommended Plugins and install all the recommended plugins which you need on your website.


These suggestions are based on the plugins you and other users have installed.

5. Create a Menu :

Go to Appearance » Menu

This is also an important part of any website, now we will create a new Menu for our Website

Create a New menu : main_menu_header

Add your all pages into your Menu main_menu_header.


in this menu you can add Pages, Posts, Custom Links or Categories.

6. Delete Default Content :

WordPress comes with some default content to be used as the placeholder items. This includes a blog post titled ‘Hello World’, a sample comment, and a sample page.

Go to Posts » All Posts

Take your mouse to the ‘Hello World’ post and then click on the ‘Trash’ link.


Go to Pages » All Pages

delete ‘Sample Page.


Lastly, visit the Comments page and then delete the default comment.

So In this tutorial we learned : Things to Do After Installing WordPress in 2020

Read Also : How to install WordPress